1. As a designer of luxury goods, what would my legal rights be if I found someone with a counterfeit copy of one of my products?
2. I work at a swimwear store. Buyers from Victoria Secret come into our store and buy a bunch of suits that they take back to their designers to copy and sell for lower prices. Is there anything legally the company I work for can do about this infringement and cut into their sales?
3. What about the rights of the designers of the suits that are copied?
4. Would it matter if only a part of the design of the suit was copied or would it have to be the entire product as a whole?
5. If something isn’t done soon about the Chinese disregard for the United States Anti-piracy laws, do you think it is going to even more deeply hurt the economic position of the fashion industry globally?
6. Can a fabric be trademarked?
7. Would I be at risk of getting sued if I used the same fabric widely associated with a designer but not containing their logo if the trademark isn’t trademarked?
8. Many people from other countries go into widely recognized private label stores like Victoria Secret, buy items at retail, then go home and sell them. Is this brand infringement if they say they aren’t associated with the store or the brand?
9. If a company uses a famous band or musician’s words on their fashion products, but adds to the words to make them different or satirical, is that copyright infringement?
10. How hard is it to get the rights to use images or words from musicians to use on fashion goods?